Exactly one month from today, the Women of Worship (WOW) Ministry of Gethsemane A.M.E. Church will present the Restored, Renewed & Refreshed Women's Retreat!
Many of us are overwhelmed by grief, fear, and anxiety. God's vision is for his daughters to be restored in the spirit, renewed in purpose, and refreshed in order to walk in our purpose.
Meet us on Saturday, March 7, 2020, as we welcome Rev. Angela Bullock, Pastor of Bazil A.M.E. Church, who will share how we can restore our spirit and how heal from grieving. Then, we welcome Randi Woods, MS, MBA, RN and founder of Art of Healthcare, who will walk us through Christian meditation and prayer through yoga that will help us manage our anxiety and fear. Finally, Rev. Jerri Edmonds, First Lady of Falls Road A.M.E. Church, will share a refreshed word that will help us to walk into our purpose.
Registration is $35, and includes Continental Breakfast and lunch. Registration and breakfast is from 8:00am-9:30am.
Click here to register: http://bit.ly/3azi9OD