Sometimes God gives you a sermon to deliver where you know the Holy Spirit is talking to you…the preacher. This sermon, “Revival Calls for Forgiveness”, was that type of sermon for me.
I used Ezekiel 37:9-10 as my scriptural base. In this passage, God is speaking to the prophet Ezekiel instructing him to prophesy to the dead bones in the valley, to tell the bones that God will breathe on them to restore them back to life. God tells Ezekiel to say to these dry bones, “Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’”
Sermon: The Work Must Be Done
During this season of Advent, my Pastor gave me space to preach on…Peace (you guessed it!) I used John 15:1-2, about how God prunes us to so we can produce fruit abundantly, as my base scripture and discussed how true peace comes only after we surrender whatever “it” is to God. Let it go so you can have true peace.
Sermon: Stand Up In It
The Holy Spirit showed up in a way I have never experienced before. My pastor gave me the opportunity to preach on Communion Sunday and I sharedn the sermon “Stand Up In It”, from Luke 13:10-13, about how Christ healed the woman who was stooped over for 18 years.
We may not be physically stooped over, but many of us are bound to our trauma, and we don't want to let it go. The wonderful thing about God is that the Lord sees us, the Lord calls us out of our trauma, and the Lord puts his hands on us so we can finally be free from the pain that has us bound.
The Holy Spirit showed up and washed us anew today and I am so very grateful.
Sermon: Do Things Differently
God is about to start switching things up because God is in the pivot. The Lord is about to change some things. He’s about to cause us to do an about-face. Where you were once facing east, you’re about to face west. Your job is about to change, the way you think is about to change, your finances are about to change, your household is about to change, how God interacts with you and how you interact with God is about to change. It’s time to do things differently.