Lent 2024: The Importance of Abiding

Lent 2024: The Importance of Abiding

Abiding is really relationship-building. God wants a relationship with you, one that is both give and take, one where you speak, but where you also listen. During the season of Lent, you develop a close relationship with God so that the communication flows between the two of you. This type of communication only comes through the act of abiding in him.

Lent 2024: A Deep Well of Faith

Lent 2024: A Deep Well of Faith

Isn’t it interesting how often we fall back on fear? Speaking for myself, falling into fear is easier because it happens without a fight. All I have to do is allow the enemy to fill my head with negative thoughts, worst case scenarios and the myriad of ways everything can go wrong so I can allow myself to be sent spiraling into an abyss of negativity. But it does not have to be this way.

Lent 2024: Quenching the Spirit

Lent 2024: Quenching the Spirit

I like soda. My preference is Sprite. Perhaps it’s the sweetness of the bubbly drink, or the fact that it’s not as heavy as Coke or Pepsi that continues to draw me in. Whatever the case, Sprite has always been my soda of choice. So, I was not surprised when the Holy Spirit revealed that, during Lent, I was supposed to fast from sugar, including Sprite.

Lent 2024: It's More Than Just a Fast

Lent 2024: It's More Than Just a Fast

Today marks the beginning of the Lenten Season. For the next 40 days, you will embark on a journey that will involve great sacrifice, but that will reap monumental rewards. These rewards are not tangible. They are spiritual, and include the opportunity to increase spiritual discipline and endurance while developing a deeper relationship with Christ.