Abide in Me, John 15:8: Drop Your Nets

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“By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” John 15:8

How often do you feel burdened by the cost associated with being in a fully-committed relationship with God? Don’t be too hard on yourself. I’ve been there, too. Like the time I waiting all week to watch the season finale of my favorite show only to hear God tell me, “It’s time to study,” during the opening credits. In that moment, I had to choose between gaining access to the throne and watching Game of Thrones. Thankfully, I chose God, which was far more important (but I did catch the final episode On-Demand a month later).

What about you? What are you allowing to keep you from being obedient when God calls? Is it television, a person, obligations at the office? Well, what if I told you that the fact that God is coming to you is a huge sign of the trust he has in you? He is calling you to see how willing you are to deny what your flesh wants in order to activate your spirit to do his will.

The Bible recounts how obedient Andrew, Peter, James and John were when Jesus called them to be his disciples. One morning, as these four fishermen were preparing their nets and boats for a day at sea. Jesus walked into their lives and said, “Come with me”. Here’s how they responded:

Matthew 4:21-22: “Jesus called them, and immediately they left their father [Zebedee] and followed him.”

Mark 1:20: “Without delay, he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with their father and followed Jesus.”

Luke 5:11: So they pulled their boats on shore, left everything, and followed him.”

In each instance the disciples did not waste time vacillating between what they were doing and what God wanted. Instead, they dropped what they were doing and “followed him”.

We must be obedient to be used by God. Our obedience is our way of letting God know that our spirits are willing and that we are ready to be molded by him. It is our way of informing God that we want to participate in His plan, that we want to be used by him to bless others. More importantly, our obedience opens the door to the most important relationship of our lives, with God, our Father.

When was the last time you dropped your nets to be obedient to God’s call? If you haven’t, then now is the time. Turn off the television, put the phone down, open your Bible and get to work. It will be so worth it in the end.


Have you been following the "Abide in Me" Fall blog series? It's not too late to get caught up. Find out about how God wants to have relationship with us in John 15:1, how He prunes us for purpose in John 15:2how we are made clean by His word in John 15:3how connection with the Father yields a harvest in our lives in John 15:4,  how living life God's way is better than taking on the task ourselves in John 15:5,  how God can resurrect our withered spaces in John 15:6, and how God remaining with God yields the fruit of faith in John 15:8. Read and share your comments with me! 

Candance Greene

Candance L. Greene is a published writer, editor, and the founder of Cherishedflight, a ministry dedicated to helping women realign with the peace of God. She has produced over 70 episodes of Cherishedflight the Podcast where she shares biblical steps women can take to embrace the peace and purpose God has for their lives.

In the spring of 2018, Candance also released her book Inhale Peace: A 31-Day Journey to Realign with the Peace of God. The devotional was created as a daily guide for people to connect with the peace of God every month of the year. 

Candance is a graduate of Paine College where she earned a BA in English, and Goucher College where she earned an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing. She has been published in a variety of anthologies, scholarly books, and journals including: Bittersweet: An Anthology of Contemporary Black Women’s PoetryBrevity: A Journal of Concise Literary NonfictionFearless Confessions: A Writer’s Guide to Memoir; and the Huffington Post. A native of Nashville, Candance now resides in Baltimore with her husband and three children.