What To Do With Bad News

What To Do With Bad News

What do you do with bad news? Do you worry or handle it with stride? Do you express your thoughts with a loved one, or do you keep how you’re feeling to yourself? Do you pretend all is well, or do you fall apart? I would say you probably do a combination of all of thee above. At least that’s what I did.

Drop Your Nets

Drop Your Nets

We must be obedient to be used by God. Our obedience is our way of letting God know that our spirits are willing and that we are ready to be molded by him. It is our way of informing God that we want to participate in His plan, that we want to be used by him to bless others. More importantly, our obedience opens the door to the most important relationship of our lives, with God, our Father.

Are You Stuck in a Spiritual Rut?

Are You Stuck in a Spiritual Rut?

I am about to share something very personal with you. For the past year, I have been spiritually dry. By dry, I mean without the fullness of the spirit of God. Please do not get me wrong. I still love God. I make time to appreciate and spend time thanking Him constantly, but I don’t believe that I am full when I leave those postures of praise.

Watch and Pray for Self-control

Watch and Pray for Self-control

We’ve all been at the crossroad of good versus evil when we have had to choose between doing what’s right and what’s wrong: praying for someone rather than cursing at them; choosing to go home to your spouse instead of that happy hour where you know your ex will be; stepping away from the computer when the urge hits you to look at pornography; refusing to go out with that person that knows you are an alcoholic but encourages you to have “just one drink”. Making the right choice is self-control.

Displaying God's Goodness

Displaying God's Goodness

Though we are human, we can aspire to treat others with the goodness of God. It really is simpler than we make it out to be.  We give to others with tenderness, with compassion and without expectation. We give with joy, with grace, without complaint. We give because we are here on earth to show others the goodness of God through our actions.

How Kind Are You, Really?

How Kind Are You, Really?

Kindness. It is the “quality, or state, of being gentle and considerate”, but we live in a world where “being gentle and considerate” seems to be out of the ordinary. We don’t want to be kind enough to let others move in front of us in traffic, we rudely push around others in the grocery store because they’re moving too slow, and we rip each other to shreds on social media. Being kind seems to be the one Fruit of the Spirit that all of us need, but not many of us want to employ.